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Social Value


Athena Commercial drafts social value policies. They are expertly crafted to meet legal requirements and fit your operations. We start with a detailed consultation to understand your goals. Then, we will engage stakeholders to gather insights. Our policies follow the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012. They also maximize social, economic, and environmental benefits. We provide ongoing support. This includes training, monitoring, and reviews. We want to ensure your social value strategies are effective and relevant. Partner with us to drive meaningful impact for your business and community.

Expert Social Value Policy Drafting Services

At Athena Commercial, we create custom social value policies. They will meet legal requirements and suit your business's unique operations. We aim to help your company integrate social value into its procurement and operations. This will ensure compliance with the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 and other regulations.

Understanding Your Business

We start with a thorough engagement phase. We partner with you to grasp your business's inner workings. This involves:

  • Initial Consultation: We meet with key stakeholders. We discuss your goals, procurement practices, and desired impacts.
  • Operational Analysis: We will analyze your business operations. We will find ways to boost social value and fit it into your frameworks.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: We will discuss our ideas with your suppliers, customers, and partners. This will help us gather insights and align with their needs.

Drafting Customized Policies

We draft social value policies. They meet legal requirements and boost your CSR profile. We design our policies to:

  • Ensure Tender Compliance: We align Social Value policies or responses to your business and the requirements.
  • Align with Business Operations: Our policies fit your operations. This makes it easier to put in place and manage social value initiatives.
  • Maximize Impact: We create policies that deliver real social, economic, and environmental benefits. They contribute to making a difference in your community and stakeholders.

Ongoing Support and Review

Our commitment doesn't end with the delivery of your social value policy. We offer help throughout policy implementation, covering installation and beyond.

  • Training and Workshops: We offer sessions to train your team on the new policy and its daily use.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: We create frameworks to track and improve your social initiatives.
  • We conduct policy reviews on a schedule. It keeps your social value strategies relevant in a changing business world.

Partner with Athena Commercial. Create a social value policy. It must meet legal requirements and drive impact for your business and community. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you lead with purpose.

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